Hair Transplant 360- Volume 3- Chapter 27. Follicular Unit Extraction Grafts Transplanted Into Strip Scars
Marc Dauer, MD
An informational book by Dr. Marc Dauer and Dr. Robert Elliott
Volume 1, Number 4, 283-288, DOI: 10.1007/BF02620369
Technique of childhood ankle disarticulation
William L. Oppenheim and Marc Dauer
Surgical Principles
James Syme first recorded the technique of ankle disarticulation in the adult in 1843 [5]. It included the creation of anterior and posterior flaps, a subperiosteal dissection with preservation of the heel pad and bony contouring of the distal tibia and fibula to reduce the bulbous appearance and to facilitate prosthetic fitting. Although an analogous procedure is done for children, there are substantial differences between the two techniques which are related to the presence of growth plates, and the potential problem of stump overgrowth and pencilling. Fortunately, a true ankle disarticulation can usually be performed in children without the need for extensive surgical bony reshaping due to the excellent potential for remodelling with future growth.
Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery
Volume 113, Issue 1, Pages 140-146, (July 1995)
Noncutaneous Benign Fibrous Histiocytoma of the Head and Neck
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, Santa Barbara, Calif., Jan. 23, 1993.
Steven Bielamowicz, MD, Marc S. Dauer, MD, Bernard Chang, MD, Marilyn C. Zimmerman, MD, OTOLARYNGOL HEAD NECK SURG 1995;113:140-6. Received 9 June 1994; accepted 20 January 1995.
Journal of Speech and Hearing Research Vol.39 126-134 February 1996.
© American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Comparison of Voice Analysis Systems for Perturbation Measurement
Steven Bielamowicz
Jody Kreiman
Bruce R. Gerratt
Marc S. Dauer
Gerald S. Berke
– Division of Head and Neck Surgery UCLA School of Medicine Los Angeles, CA
Dysphonic voices are often analyzed using automated voice analysis software. However, the reliability of acoustic measures obtained from these programs remains unknown, particularly when they are applied to pathological voices. This study compared perturbation measures from CSpeech, Computerized Speech Laboratory, SoundScope, and a hand marking voice analysis system. Sustained vowels from 29 male and 21 female speakers with mild to severe dysphonia were digitized, and fundamental frequency (F0), jitter, shimmer, and harmonics- or signal-to-noise ratios were computed. Commercially available acoustical analysis programs agreed well, but not perfectly, in their measures of F0. Measures of perturbation in the various analysis packages use different algorithms, provide results in different units, and often yield values for voices that violate the assumption of quasi-periodicity. As a result, poor rank order correlations between programs using similar measures of perturbation were noted. Because measures of aperiodicity apparently cannot be reliably applied to voices that are even mildly aperiodic, we question their utility in quantifying vocal quality, especially in pathological voices.
Submitted on November 7, 1994
Accepted on July 31, 1994
International Society Of Hair Restoration Surgery Annual Meeting
Board Review Course- Strip Harvesting Techniques
Follicular Unit Extraction- SAFE System Course
October 2013 San Francisco, California
International Society Of Hair Restoration Surgery Annual Meeting
Board Review Course- Strip Harvesting Techniques
October 2012 Atlantis, Bahamas
American Academy Of Aesthetic MedicineAmerican Academy Of Aesthetic Medicine
Hair Transplantation Teaching Course
Lead Faculty Instructor
January 20-23, 2011 Dubai, UAE
Hair Transplantation Teaching Course
Lead Faculty Instructor
June 10-12, 2009 Bangkok, Thailand
American Academy Of Aesthetic Medicine
Hair Transplantation Teaching Course
Lead Faculty Instructor
October 1-3, 2009 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
American Academy Of Aesthetic Medicine
Hair Transplantation Teaching Course
Lead Faculty Instructor
January 20-22, 2010 Dubai, UAE
American Academy Of Aesthetic Medicine
Hair Transplantation Teaching Course
Lead Faculty Instructor
July 2-4, 2010 Dubai, UAE
American Academy Of Aesthetic Medicine
Hair Transplantation Teaching Course
Lead Faculty Instructor
July 6-8, 2010 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia